Friday, October 29, 2010 A Bit of Boasting

I've been contributing on an irregular basis to Spacing Ottawa, a weblog devoted to urban infrastructure issues and history around the city. Pleased to report that a new article went live yesterday, dealing with Somerset House, a longtime landmark in the downtown of Ottawa.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A magnet for spam or something else?

I've been letting this place lie fallow again for a while. My mistake.

(Some people tell me to never own up to such things. Bushwah!)

Anyway, still here, and while I'm figuring out what to post here next, I thought you might want a look at something one of my acquaintances - one Jens Altmann by name - is up to, called Made of Fail.

Go take a look.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Been fiddling with any number of things over the last few weeks:

  • Training in Illustrator and Photoshop, check.
  • Indesign, not so much. I want to do something useful about that between now and next posting.
  • Manga Studio, check. Managed to do a demo session at the ByMUG meeting yesterday, to boot. I could've managed the computer-projector interface settings better, mind you...
  • Celestia, check. Astronomy software is a good thing for a guy working on space opera projects to have as a general rule. Whether you're writing or illustrating, that's a good rule to heed.

More as I think of it...