It DOES seem as if this is the most spammer-targeted posting on my Artblog. Why that's happened, I don't know. It doesn't happen often enough to make me want to shut the blog down, but it is a minor pain.
In which, from time to time, creations of various kinds by the hand of this blog's owner will be unveiled for - so he hopes - the benefit of the public good(and his own good as well). Commission sketches available for reasonable rates. Feel free to ask.
Anyone interested in Local Hero merchandise should check Cafe Press. If you're looking into Kagemono, check out Black Glass Press.
It DOES seem as if this is the most spammer-targeted posting on my Artblog. Why that's happened, I don't know. It doesn't happen often enough to make me want to shut the blog down, but it is a minor pain.
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