Sunday, December 07, 2008

18 Sept 2004- Ottawa Raiders v Mtl Axion

Four years ago, we had a women's hockey team in town. It isn't there anymore, although another team's taken its place...but here's some memories of what used to be in Ottawa.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

While the other blog gets back into shape...

...there be some good news about the Mayfair Theatre on

I took in the press conference at Ottawa City Hall re: arts/heritage funding issues this morning, whilst taking care of other business(IE: day-job hunting). Hoping to put up a few photos later on.

More to come...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Closing the Second Issue-Work in Progress

Started work on the last page of Local Hero # 2 this week, and so far it's been a fun slog. The definition of a "work in progress".

More as it develops...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

U of O=Gotham U?

U of O=Gotham U?
Originally uploaded by dwight_ew
Some parts of Ottawa just put me in mind of that other city I know too well. Such as parts of the University of Ottawa campus. Doesn't this front entrance to the computer science building put you in mind of stuff that Furst would design?


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Font Addictions

Eric Trautman recently noted his own addiction to font collecting, and I'd be remiss to not make my own confession along these lines. For me, it started in high school with the first Letraset catalogue I'd ever laid eyes or hands upon. Back then, not so long ago by some lights, they still sold mostly dry transfer sheets. Software for home computers was a few years off. When I saw the options available in the catalogue, and started recognizing a handful or so from TV-watching...Countdown and Data 70 from Space: 1999, Stop from the original Galactica and so on...well, it's continued from there.

I get the same online newsletter, and download freebies that catch my eye from time to time. Thanks to this one company, I've even tried my hand at designing them myself, as noted a few years back in this LJ. It's another sort of fun, and one I mean to get back to as soon as the time's freed up.

I should really try out that freebie copy of Typetool I got from that magazine cover disk a couple of years back, as well. It only works when Classic mode's turned on, but that's okay for me.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008